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Trust Your Instincts: A Message for Home Schooling Mamas

Trust me, I've walked the path you're on right now, navigating the labyrinth of doubts and uncertainties that can cloud your mind. But let me share a little secret with you—one that comes from seven years of home schooling my three boys: it's been nothing short of extraordinary.

Now, before you start conjuring images of a perfectly organized home, with meticulously planned lessons and a fancy curriculum, let me set the record straight. Our approach has always been anything but conventional. We've forged our own path, guided not by how home schooling should "look" but by how it should "feel."

So, if you're feeling overwhelmed or unsure, take a moment to pause. Brew yourself a cup of coffee, inhale deeply, and know that you're not alone. Together, let's embark on this journey into the world of home schooling—a journey filled with discovery, growth, and endless possibilities.

A Revolution in Education

When I first started home schooling, I felt like I was swimming against the tide. Everyone around me seemed to be following the traditional schooling path, and I questioned whether I was making the right choice for my kids. All of the fancy curriculums, the online lessons, the programs I felt like all everyone was doing was trying to replicate a classroom at home.

This was the absolute furthest thing from the vision I had for our family. But as time went on, I realised that home schooling isn't just an alternative to traditional education; it's a whole new way of approaching learning. It's about embracing flexibility, creativity, and freedom. It's about recognizing that every child is unique and deserves an education tailored to their individual needs and interests. Most of all, it is about unbecoming everything the world tells us we ought to be in order to be "successful".

Focus on how it feels and you'll always be ok

In a world where technology offers answers at the tap of a screen, it's easy to feel overshadowed, to doubt whether we're "doing it right." But amidst the noise of outside expectations and our own internal pressures, there's a truth worth holding onto: there's no singular "right" path, only our unique journey.

We're witnessing a generation growing up with the world literally at their fingertips, where Siri and Google are their ever-present guides. It's a marvel of technology, granting access to knowledge at lightning speed. Yet, as home schooling parents, we understand that true education encompasses more than just facts and figures.

Our vision for home schooling goes beyond the confines of a search engine. It's about nurturing wholesome individuals—equipping our boys with a deep sense of self-awareness, empathy, and resilience. It's about teaching them to navigate the complexities of life with emotional intelligence and a strong sense of purpose.

In a landscape where information is abundant but wisdom is scarce, we prioritize the intangible lessons: understanding how they feel, connecting with their inner selves, and cultivating the tools they need to thrive emotionally and physically. This, to us, is the essence of true education and the heart of our home schooling journey.

In our home schooling journey, we've woven a rich tapestry of learning that goes beyond textbooks and standardized lessons. For us, education extends into the very fabric of our family values—nurturing not just academic growth, but holistic development.

We've made a conscious choice to immerse our boys in a curriculum that embraces the principles we hold dear: understanding the power of food and nutrition, exploring the healing properties of plant medicine and homemade remedies, delving into the untold stories of history, and fostering personal development rooted in truth.

Why do we prioritize these subjects? Because they embody the essence of our family values. They teach our boys not only about the world around them but also about themselves—their place in the world, their responsibilities, and their potential to make a positive impact.

In a world filled with challenges and uncertainties, we believe that by instilling these values early on, we're equipping our children with the tools they need to navigate life with strength, resilience, and compassion.

Our goal isn't just to educate them academically but to raise strong men who embody the values we hold dear.

My Question to you is: Are you prioritising your own family values into your home schooling curriculum?

The Home schooling Advantage

One of the biggest advantages of home schooling is the ability to personalise your child's education and to ensure that every moment of your day aligns with the values and ethics of your own family, most importantly it should involve elements that light your children's heart and bring out the best in them.

Children are as diverse as the colours of the rainbow, each with their own unique blend of preferences, strengths, and quirks. Some are naturally more reserved, finding solace in quiet moments, while others thrive in the hustle and bustle of social interactions. Some crave constant stimulation and socialisation, while others find joy in solitary pursuits.

In the realm of learning, the variety is just as vast. Some children are hands-on learners, thriving in environments where they can roll up their sleeves and dive into practical tasks. Others absorb knowledge like sponges through auditory channels, finding inspiration in the rhythm and melody of music. And then there are those who paint their thoughts across canvases or weave tales with the stroke of a pen, expressing themselves through the language of art and words.

As parents, it's natural to wonder whether we're making the right choices for our children, whether we're providing the best environment for their growth and development. But perhaps the true measure of our success lies not in adherence to a standardized formula but in the simple, yet profound, indicator of happiness.

When our children are happy—when their eyes sparkle with curiosity, when their laughter fills the air, when they eagerly embrace each day with enthusiasm—we can rest assured that we're doing something right. For happiness is the ultimate litmus test, the beacon that guides us on our journey of nurturing and supporting our children to become the best versions of themselves.

So, amidst the myriad of parenting advice and educational philosophies, let us remember this simple truth: as long as our children are happy, we're on the right path. And in the end, isn't that what truly matters?

The advantage you have is TIME.

In the grand tapestry of life, the time our children spend under our care is but a fleeting moment—a delicate balance of holding on and letting go. As parents, we cherish every precious moment, knowing that with each passing day, our children inch closer to independence and self-discovery.

Choosing to home school is a profound decision—a commitment to safeguarding, nurturing, and savouring the gift of time. It's an acknowledgment that the most valuable lessons aren't found in textbooks or classrooms but in the everyday moments spent together, shaping lives and forging bonds.

In the hustle and bustle of modern life, time is a precious commodity, easily overshadowed by obligations and distractions. But by embracing the home schooling journey, we reclaim this precious resource, investing it where it matters most: in the lifelong task of raising our children.

There is no greater lesson, no grander subject than the art of living—a curriculum woven from the threads of love, patience, and shared experiences. It's in the laughter shared over breakfast, the exploration of new ideas, the comforting embrace after a long day.

So, as we embark on this journey of home schooling, let us remember the significance of our role—not just as educators, but as guardians of time, stewards of growth, and champions of love.

For in the end, it's not just about shaping minds but nurturing souls, guiding our children towards a future filled with purpose, passion, and endless possibilities.

Our Journey of Liberation

Our decision to home school didn't come lightly. It was born out of a deep concern for the well-being of our sons, who we saw slowly losing their spark in the confines of the traditional classroom. Every time we volunteered and witnessed first hand the gradual dimming of their individuality, self-worth, and confidence, we knew we couldn't stand idly by. Our boys were being moulded into something they were not, forced into a mould that didn't fit, and it was breaking our hearts.

Instead of resigning ourselves to the next 12 years of fighting an uphill battle within the system, advocating for our sons' unique way of approaching life and learning, we made a radical decision. We decided to remove them from the system altogether. We packed up our lives, hit the road in a bus, and embarked on a journey of discovery that would take us across Australia!

Our online wellness business supported our lifestyle, I closed my preschool, my husband stepped away from a successful career as a Detective with the NSW Police Force and we prioritised our boys health and happiness above all else.

Trust Your Instincts Home Schooling Mamas

For over 6.5 years, we've experienced every version of home schooling and unschooling imaginable. We've been questioned, interrogated, and guilt-tripped by well-meaning friends, family, and strangers alike. We've been asked if our boys will suffer socially, how they'll ever make friends, and why we can't just "be normal." But at every turn, with every conversation, we've reaffirmed our decision to prioritise our boys' happiness, individuality, and freedom above all else.

Home schooling isn't always easy. In the early stages, you'll face doubts, challenges, and moments of uncertainty. But you must never lose sight of the bigger picture. You are your child's greatest advocate, their fiercest protector, and their most trusted guide. You know them better than anyone else on this earth, and that knowledge is a powerful tool.

So, to all the home schooling parents out there, I want to say this: trust your instincts, embrace the journey, and know that you're giving your child the gift of a truly personalised education. It won't always be easy, but it will definitely be worth it. And remember, you're not alone. There's a whole community of home schoolers out there ready to support you every step of the way. Together, we can revolutionise education and pave the way for a brighter future for our children.

You might be thinking, "This all sounds wonderful, but how does it even qualify as homeschooling?" Here's the secret: it's all about finding what works best for your family, documenting it, and creatively linking it back to key learning areas.

Think of it as reverse engineering education—a process where you start with the experiences and interests of your child and then weave in the necessary educational components. It's about embracing the freedom that home schooling offers and tailoring the learning journey to suit your child's unique needs and passions.

So, whether it's baking in the kitchen, exploring nature in the backyard, or embarking on a virtual museum tour, every experience holds the potential for learning. By embracing this approach, you're not just educating your child—you're nurturing a wholesome, personalised education that celebrates the joy of learning in all its forms.

I'm proud of you, fellow rebels. Keep fighting the good fight, and never stop believing in the power of home schooling to transform lives and change the world.

Together, we can build a brighter future for our children, one filled with freedom, individuality, and limitless potential.

Rachel Proud


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