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Wholesome Living: Our Commitment to Proactive Wellness, Self-Advocacy, and Community Support

Our focus is on empowering parents and natural health advocates to positively impact people and the planet through using plant remedies. Founded on generational wisdom, we equip families with tools to enhance physical and emotional health, passing down knowledge for future generations.


We recognize the limitations of toxic over the counter products in achieving true and lasting health. Instead, we advocate for proactive approaches and self-advocacy, teaching children to do the same. With mental health and global health statistics revealing systemic flaws, we're committed to reclaiming power and fostering health within our homes.


Our dedication lies in providing high-quality, ethically and sustainably sourced products that promote overall well-being, driven by our passion to share knowledge and expertise with others. We strive to foster a profound connection with natural living, longevity, freedom, vitality, and self-discovery through Earth-based and home education, wholesome products, and enriching courses.



Meet Our Founders: 

Clinton and Rachel have embarked on an extraordinary 23+ year journey, navigating life together with an unwavering commitment. As parents to three remarkable young men, their dedication to empowering families through plant remedies has never been more crucial.


Before their lives intertwined with the pursuit of holistic healing, Clinton served as a Detective Senior Constable in the NSW Police, while Rachel directed her own preschool.


However, their trajectory took a significant turn when their middle son fell ill, prompting a profound re-evaluation of conventional medicine. Over a decade ago, they embarked on a healing journey, embracing alternative remedies to restore their son's health and transform their family's well-being.


For over 6.5 years, Clinton and Rachel, along with their sons, travelled Australia in a converted bus, home schooling and inspiring countless families to explore plant-based remedies and reclaim their health autonomy.


Grounded in the wisdom of generations past, they are dedicated to sharing their wealth of knowledge and expertise with others. Surrounded by a supportive team of like-minded individuals and holistic health practitioners, they are committed to empowering families to trust their intuition and challenge conventional norms. They believe that by embracing simple yet profound lifestyle changes, individuals can experience transformative shifts in their well-being.


Rachel aptly summarizes their mission:


"With every mother's realization of her innate power to aid her children through plant medicine, the world takes a step towards healing. Our mission revolves around advocating for natural health, while our legacy lies in assisting others in uncovering their inherent strength."


See The Impact

Learn about how we're changing the world one home, one family and one community at a time through these gifts of the earth. 

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